Accidental injuries that occur on the job or in the workplace are one of the most common types of accidents that we see at Park Law Firm. Factories, plants and refineries can be dangerous places to work and therefore serious injuries and fatalities do occur. Workers are entitled by law to working conditions that do not pose a risk of serious harm. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA) sets standards and rules to protect workers on the job and provides a worker bill of rights. Some cases are handled only through the worker’s compensation system if the employer is a subscriber.

Your On The Job Injury Attorneys in Huntsville Texas
However, there are many construction accident cases that require a third party liability claim or a lawsuit against the injured person’s employer if they did not provide worker’s compensation coverage. The types of accidents that we typically see at Park Law Firm involve falls from scaffolding, back injuries from lifting, mechanical failure of construction equipment, plant and pipeline explosions, burns and toxic chemical exposure, slip and fall injuries, failure to provide safety equipment such as fall protection lanyards, lack of guards on machines, and truck and forklift accidents. Each case must be independently examined to determine what can be done to help you as this is a complex and changing area of the law. Park Law Firm uses its knowledge, expertise, and experience in this area of law to determine if the employer, contractor, subcontractor, manufacturer, or some other entity is legally responsible to you for contributing to your workplace injury. We will then seek financial reimbursement for your medical bills, lost wages, and personal injuries.
If you, your relative or a friend have sustained a personal injury or wrongful death due to a construction accident, pipeline accident, or on the job accident, please contact Park Law Firm immediately and put them to work for you. Time is critical. The insurance company will put their investigators and attorneys to work right away. Certain types of evidence must be obtained and preserved immediately or it may be lost forever or destroyed. This is why we urge you to contact Park Law Firm as soon as possible after the accident so that we can immediately put our team to work for you.
Please call us at (936) 291-6660 or (800) 753-5509 or email us for a Free Initial Consultation and immediate appointment with one of our attorneys. We are here to help you in your time of need and will make house calls and hospital visits if needed. Don’t go at it alone and get taken advantage of.