There are many different types of insurance that we carry as a part of our busy lives. Some types of insurance are required by law in order to do certain things like to drive a car. Other types of insurance are purchased in order to protect yourself in a time of need. The Texas Department of Insurance (TDI) regulates insurance companies in Texas and handles complaints filed against any type of insurance company in Texas.

Your Insurance Dispute Attorneys in Huntsville Texas
The types of insurance coverage that we typically deal with at Park Law Firm are automobile liability insurance coverage, uninsured motorist (UM) and underinsured motorist (UIM) automobile insurance coverage, personal injury protection (PIP) automobile insurance coverage, homeowner’s insurance coverage, life insurance coverage, and disability insurance coverage. If you are dealing with an injury, death, or property loss, and are getting the run around from the insurance company, please call Park Law Firm to discuss your options. We are experienced insurance claim attorneys with over 50 years of combined legal experience. Our legal team is available to discuss what the insurance company has done and why their actions might be in violation of the Texas Insurance Code. There are time deadlines for payment that must be abided by. We have brought “bad faith” and “stowers” lawsuits against various insurance companies over the years with good results for our clients. Park Law Firm will hold the insurance company accountable for what they owe you in your time of need. Negotiating with the insurance company and handling your various insurance claims is all part of our legal representation when we take on your case.
If you, your relative or a friend have been denied insurance benefits, please contact Park Law Firm immediately and put them to work for you. Time is critical. The insurance company will put their investigators and attorneys to work right away. Certain types of evidence must be obtained and preserved immediately or it may be lost forever or destroyed. This is why we urge you to contact Park Law Firm as soon as possible after the accident or insurance denial occurs so that we can immediately put our team to work for you. Once we are hired, you will have more time to spend tending to your family’s needs and we will take care of all the legal necessities.
Please call us at (936) 291-6660 or (800) 753-5509 or email us for a Free Initial Consultation and immediate appointment with one of our attorneys. We are here to help you in your time of need and will make house calls and hospital visits if needed. Don’t go at it alone and get taken advantage of.