Motorcycle, ATV and boating accidents in general are much more dangerous than automobile accidents. There is definitely a greater risk involved when driving a motorcycle, ATV or boat. The protection and safety devices that exist now in automobiles such as seat belts, air bags, roll bars, and stability control systems do not exist on motorcycles and recreational vehicles. When a motorcycle accident occurs, there are typically more significant injuries sustained by the riders than in a car wreck. Fatal motorcycle and ATV accidents can be common.

Your Motorcycle/ATV/Boat Accident Attorneys in Huntsville Texas
The helmet is the only real protection that a motorcycle rider has from other vehicles and from hitting the road. The attorneys and staff of Park Law Firm are here to help motorcycle, ATV and boat owners, and their passengers, when they are involved in an accident. You will need our skilled team in order to pursue a negligence case against the driver of the vehicle that caused your motorcycle, ATV, or boating accident. We are here for you and will help obtain the compensation that you are entitled to.
If you, your relative or a friend have sustained a personal injury or wrongful death due to a motorcycle, ATV, or boating accident, please contact Park Law Firm immediately and put them to work for you. Time is critical. The insurance company will put their investigators and attorneys to work right away. Certain types of evidence must be obtained and preserved immediately or it may be lost forever or destroyed. This is why we urge you to contact Park Law Firm as soon as possible after the accident so that we can immediately put our team to work for you.
Please call us at (936) 291-6660 or (800) 753-5509 or email us for a Free Initial Consultation and immediate appointment with one of our attorneys. We are here to help you in your time of need and will make house calls and hospital visits if needed. Don’t go at it alone and get taken advantage of.